[ABE-L] Seminar on probability and stochastic processes - 11/11 - 14h

Aline Duarte alineduarte em usp.br
Ter Nov 8 19:21:14 -03 2022

Prezados colegas,

na próxima sexta-feira, 11 de novembro, às 14h, acontecerá mais um
seminário híbrido do ciclo SPSP-IME-USP. O seminário será *online, *pelo
Google Meets no link


Outras informações sobre os seminários passados e próximos seminários estão
disponíveis em  https://sites.google.com/usp.br/psps-ime-usp/in%C3%ADcio

Um abraço,

Aline Duarte


*Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes*

Speaker: *Sandro Gallo* (UFSCar)

Next Friday, *November 11th - 2pm*

Live on: https://meet.google.com/zqd-hqsw-mir

*Title: *Critical surface for the multi-edges percolation model on oriented
homogeneous trees

*Abstract: *de Lima, Rolla and Valesin (2019) introduced and studied the
2-edges percolation model on homogeneous oriented trees $\mathbb T_d$. In
this model, small (length one) edges are opened with probability $p$ and
long (length $k>1$) edges are opened with probability $q$. Here, in the
slightly more general setting of m-edges ($m\ge2$), we obtain the critical
surface as the set of $0$'s of a specific polynomial with coefficients
depending on $d$. Specializing to the original 2-edges case, we can extract
bounds for the critical parameters, which are valid for any $d$ and $k$.
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