[ABE-L] [CIRS/SWB Webinar Series] May 10, Causal inference in statistics: why, what, and how

Kelly Cristina kelly em dme.ufrj.br
Dom Abr 30 10:37:26 -03 2023

Oi pessoal,

a pedido da Profa Alexandra Schmidt (McGill University) venho divulgar o
webinar abaixo. Segue um flyer em anexo também para divulgação. Obrigada.

*May 10, 2023, 12 PM EDT*

*"**Causal inference in statistics: why, what, and how*

*Presenter: Professor Erica E. M. Moodie, McGill University*

*Register here

An introductory overview on the goals of causal inference, key quantities,
and typical methods will be given for situations where an exposure of
interest is set at a chosen baseline (“point exposure”) and the target
outcome arises at a later time point, focusing on a binary outcome and
continuous exposure. Using the potential outcomes framework, principled
definitions of causal effects will be presented along with estimation
approaches which invoke the no unmeasured confounding assumption.

*Speaker Short Bio*

Erica E. M. Moodie is a Professor of Biostatistics at McGill University and
a Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Statistical Methods for Precision
Medicine. She obtained her MPhil in Epidemiology in 2001 from the
University of Cambridge and a PhD in Biostatistics in 2006 from the
University of Washington, before joining the faculty at McGill. Her main
research interests are in causal inference and longitudinal data with a
focus on precision medicine. She is the 2020 recipient of the CRM-SSC Prize
in Statistics and an Elected Member of the International Statistical
Institute. Dr Moodie serves as an Associate Editor of Biometrics and a
Statistical Editor of Journal of Infectious Diseases. She holds a chercheur
de merite career award from the Fonds de recherche du Quebec-Sante.

*For questions, or to suggest topics for future webinars contact Carolina
Franco at **franco-carolina em norc.org** or Alexandra Schmidt *
*alexandra.schmidt em mcgill.ca* *or Sloka Iyengar slokaiyengar1 em gmail.com*


*Kelly C. M. Gonçalves*
*Professora Associada I*
*Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos*
*Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro*

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