[ABE-L] Ciclo de Palestras PPG Estatística UFRJ (Widemberg Nobre, DME/UFRJ - 16/08 às 15:30h)

Viviana Lobo viviana.lobo em gmail.com
Sex Ago 11 14:35:41 -03 2023


dando início ao Ciclo de Palestras do Programa de Pós-Graduação
em Estatística do IM-UFRJ no semestre 2023/2,  *na próxima 4a feira,*
*16/08/2023  **às 15:30h*, teremos a palestra do professor e pesquisador
Widemberg Nobre. Segue abaixo:

*Palestrante *: Widemberg da Silva Nobre (DME/UFRJ)

*Título:* The impact of directly observed therapy on the efficacy of
Tuberculosis treatment: a Bayesian multilevel approach

*Resumo:* We propose and discuss a Bayesian procedure to estimate causal
effects for multilevel observations in the presence of confounding. This
work is motivated by an interest in determining the causal impact of
directly observed therapy on the successful treatment of Tuberculosis. We
focus on propensity score regression and covariate adjustment to balance
the treatment allocation. We discuss the need to include latent local
level random effects in the propensity score model to reduce bias in the
estimation of causal effects. A simulation study suggests that accounting
for the multilevel nature of the data with latent structures in both the
outcome and propensity score models has the potential to reduce bias in the
estimation of causal effects.
Link of the paper: https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssc/qlad034:

As palestras ocorrem *de forma presencial *às quartas-feiras às 15:30h
no *Laboratório
de Sistemas Estocásticos no Bloco I sala 044-b (subsolo)*, do Centro de
Tecnologia, Ilha do Fundão da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.


Viviana G R Lobo
Professora Adjunta
Departamento de Métodos Estatísticos
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Instituto de Matemática
gabinete C109-A - Bloco C - CT
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