[ABE-L] Seminário DEST/UFMG em 01/09/2023

Marcos Prates marcosop em gmail.com
Seg Ago 28 10:54:42 -03 2023


Na próxima sexta-feira (01 de Setembro, às 13:30h) o ciclo de Seminários do
Departamento de Estatística da UFMG terá a apresentação do prof. Gregory J.
Matthews da University of Loyola Chicago.

Gregory J. Matthews, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Statistics and
Director of the Center for Data Science and Consulting at Loyola University
Chicago where he has been since 2014.  From 2011-2014, Dr. Matthews was a
postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Public Health and Health
Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and he received his
Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Connecticut in 2011.

Title: Completion of Partially Observed Curves Using Hot Deck Type
Abstract: Statistical shape analysis of curves is well-developed when
curves are fully observed. This work considers partially observed curves
and develops methods for curve completion or imputation by leveraging tools
from the statistical analysis of shape of fully observed curves, which
enables sensible curve completions. On a dataset containing partially
observed bovid teeth arising from a biological anthropology application,
the method is implemented and classification of the completed teeth is
carried out based on a shape distance on the set of curves.

O seminário será transmitido ao vivo pelo canal do Youtube "Seminários DEST
- UFMG <https://www.youtube.com/@seminariosdest-ufmg>".


Marcos Prates
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