[ABE-L] Call for Applications São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Epidemic Preparedness - Please share widely

Lorena Barberia lorena.barberia em gmail.com
Ter Jan 24 10:05:22 -03 2023

São Paulo to host advanced school in epidemic preparedness

The school will provide a set of mini-courses delivered by renowned
scientists and aimed at early-career researchers working with fields
ranging from epidemiology to applied mathematics to political and social
sciences. Applications are due on February 28, 2023.

The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Epidemic Preparedness will be
held on July 10-22, 2023, at the School of Public Health and Medical School
of the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil.

Graduate students are invited to register for the scientific sessions and
short courses, which will present state-of-art science and new research

The School aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogues for research and
action by focusing on core tracks: mathematical and statistical modeling,
genomics, epidemiological surveillance, public policies, immunology, and
dialogue with society. Outstanding researchers will offer mini-courses
focusing on how these areas contribute to effectively responding to
epidemiological emergencies.

The School will bring together a roster of highly regarded researchers in
all these areas to participate as speakers – the up-to-date list of
confirmed speakers includes Arthur Reingold, from the University of
California, Berkeley; Neil Ferguson from Imperial College; Ester Sabino
from the University of São Paulo's Institute of Tropical Medicine (IMT-USP)
and Nuno R. Faria from Imperial College London, both of which are leaders
of the Brazil-UK CADDE Centre (Centre for Arbovirus Discovery, Diagnostics,
Genomics, and Epidemiology); Julia Raifman, assistant professor at Boston
University and leader of the COVID-19 U.S. State Policy Database (CUSP);
Marcia Castro, chair of the Department of Global Health and Population at
the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health; Pedro Arcos Gonzáles,
associate professor at the University of Oviedo and a founding member of
Médecins Sans Frontieres; Leo S. Bastos from Fiocruz and others including
several leading faculty at the University of Sao Paulo, UNESP and UNICAMP.

Participants will work in multidisciplinary groups in simulated situation
rooms and collect hands-on experience in site visits. Most afternoons will
be dedicated to these practical activities led by instructors and teaching

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is supporting the event through
its São Paulo School of Advanced Science Program (SPSAS
<http://www.espca.fapesp.br/home/>). Graduate students and young doctors
from various fields are invited to apply: epidemiology, applied
mathematics, physics and statistics, genomics, political and social
sciences, immunology, collective health, and ecology. Students from other
areas who focus on tackling epidemics are also welcome.

Applications must be received by February 28, 2023. There is no
registration fee and those accepted will have coverage of accommodation,
food and transportation expenses. The number of vacancies is 100 (50
grantees from all states of Brazil and 50 international grantees).

More information: https://sites.usp.br/epischool/en/.

*Lorena Barberia*

Professora (Livre-Docente) | Departamento de Ciência Política  | Universidade
de São Paulo

Associate Professor | Department of Political Science | University of São

Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, 315

Sala 2067

Cidade Universitária

São Paulo - SP

Brazil Cep 05508-900

Tel: +55.11.3091-3780 (Department)

Tel: +55.11.3091-0326 (Office)
E-mail:lorenabarberia em usp.br

Department website: http://dcp.fflch.usp.br/dcp/

Faculty webpage:

Rede de Pesquisa Solidária Políticas Públicas e Sociedade


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