[ABE-L] Ciclo de Seminarios PPGEst-UFRGS ( Pedro Luiz Ramos - PUC, Chile - 04/07 às 13:30)

RENATA ROJAS GUERRA renata.r.guerra em ufsm.br
Sex Jun 30 11:35:56 -03 2023


Temos o prazer de convidar a todos para mais uma palestra do Ciclo de
Seminários 2023 do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística da UFRGS
Informações abaixo:

*Palestrante:* Prof. Pedro Luiz Ramos (PUC - Chile)

*Título:* A generalized closed-form maximum likelihood estimator

*Resumo:* The maximum likelihood estimator plays a fundamental role in
statistics. However, for many models, the estimators do not have
closed-form expressions. This limitation can be significant in situations
where estimates and predictions need to be computed in real-time, such as
in applications based on embedded technology, in which numerical methods
can not be implemented. Here we provide a generalization in the maximum
likelihood estimator that allows us to obtain the estimators in closed-form
expressions under some conditions. Under mild conditions, the estimator is
invariant under one-to-one transformations, strongly consistent, and has an
asymptotic normal distribution. The proposed generalized version of the
maximum likelihood estimator is illustrated on the Gamma, Nakagami, and
Beta distributions and compared with the standard maximum likelihood

*Data:* 04 de julho de 2023 (terça-feira)
*Horário:* 13h30min às 14h45min
*Link:* mconf.ufrgs.br/webconf/ppgest

[image: card-prof-pedro-ramos.jpeg]

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