[ABE-L] Workshop on Learning and Inference from Structured Data: Universality, Correlations and Beyond

Roberto Imbuzeiro Moraes Felinto de Oliveira rimfo em impa.br
Seg Maio 1 11:49:55 -03 2023


O evento "Workshop on Learning and Inference from Structured Data:
Universality, Correlations and Beyond" <https://indico.ictp.it/event/10184/>
(ICTP Trieste, julho de 2023) abordará Probabilidade, Estatística e teoria
de Machine Learning, com palestrantes de primeira linha.

Peço que divulguem o evento em seus grupos e departamentos. O prazo de
inscrição é 17 de maio de 2023. Note-se que há recursos disponíveis para
apoiar as participações de estudantes e jovens pesquisadores.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sen, Subhabrata <subhabratasen em fas.harvard.edu>
Date: Mon, May 1, 2023 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Help with announcing ICTP workshop in July
To: rimfo em impa.br <rimfo em impa.br>

Dear Prof. Oliveira,

I hope you are doing well. We are organizing a workshop at ICTP in July on
``Learning from Structured data”. The workshop will bring together experts
from Statistics/ML/Probability and Statistical Physics, and discuss some
questions at the interface of these disciplines. The workshop webpage is at
https://indico.ictp.it/event/10184/ .

I would sincerely appreciate it if you could send the announcement out to
your local community. We have some funding for junior researchers, and the
application deadline will be May 17th.  Kindly let me know if you need any
additional information.

With regards,


Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
Professor, IMPA
rimfo em impa.br, rob.oliv em gmail.com
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