[ABE-L] Seminários do grupo de Modelos de Variáveis Latentes - Diego Carrasco

Jorge Luis Bazan jorgeluisbazan em yahoo.com
Sáb Out 14 10:39:47 -03 2023

Bom dia,
Na próxima quinta-feira, 19 de outubro, às 14:00h, o Grupo de Pesquisa de Modelos de Variáveis Latentes (MVL) da USP cadastrado no CNPq promove o seminário de:
Nome: Diego Carrasco, PhD
Título: Accounting for zero inflation in polytomous responses with a mixture continuation ratio model
Resumo: Polytomous item responses are prevalent in background or context questionnaires of International large-scale assessments (ILSA). Responses to these types of instruments can vary in their symmetry or skewness. Zero inflation of responses, or null prevalence, can lead to biased estimates of item parameters in the response model and also to a downward bias in the conditional model when the zero inflated component is not accounted for in the model. In this paper, we propose to use a mixture continuation ratio response model to approximate the non-normality of the latent variable distribution. We use responses to bullying items from an ILSA study, which typically present positive asymmetry. The present model allows us to distinguish bullying victimization risk profiles among students, retrieve bullying victimization risk scores, and determine the population prevalence of the bullying events. This study also aims to illustrate how to fit a mixture continuation ratio model, including complex sampling design, thus expanding the modeling tools available for secondary users of large-scale assessment studies.

Bio: Academic researcher from Centro de Medición MIDE UC, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. PhD in Psychology and Master in research psychological Methods from the University of Sussex (UK). Diego is a methodologist specialized in large scale assessment studies. His research interest covers the intersection between psychometrics and inferential problems present in large scale assessment studies in education (https://dacarras.github.io/)
No dia da apresentação enviaremos um novo e-mail com o link da videoconferência.
As palestras do grupo de MVL ocorrem mensalmente de forma remota.Contamos com a participação de vocês.
Jorge Luis Bazánhttps://jorgeluisbazan.weebly.com/

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