[ABE-L] Podcast - John Skrentny on How the Economy Mistreats STEM Workers

Doris Fontes dsfontes em gmail.com
Qua Fev 14 14:27:44 -03 2024

Neste episódio do podcast do Sean Carroll (Mindcast), o convidado professor
e sociólogo John Skrentny discute o mercado de trabalho para os
profissionais da área STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics). É muito interessante e aborda os vários problemas da área nos
EUA, mas que vale também para o resto do mundo. Há um termo que ele usa,
BURN AND CHURN, que parece ser uma dura realidade lá: contrate um
jovenzinho, use-o até se esgotar (BURN) e troque-o (CHURN) por outro
novinho a fim de dar o sangue pelo emprego. Se não conseguir mão de obra
nos EUA, procura-se em outros países -- e sempre é possível encontrar
alguém jovem e talentoso a fim de ganhar pouco.


265 | John Skrentny on How the Economy Mistreats STEM Workers

February 5, 2024 / Economics, Technology

Universities and their students are constantly being encouraged to produce
more graduates majoring in STEM fields -- science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics. That's the kind of training that will get you a rewarding
job, students are told, while at the policy level it is emphasized how STEM
workers are needed to drive innovation and growth. In his new book Wasted
Education, sociologist John Skrentny points out that the post-graduation
trajectories of STEM graduates are more likely to involve being chewed up
and spit out by the tech economy than to end up with stable long-term
careers. We talk about why that's the case and what might be done about it.

John Skrentny received his Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University. He
is currently Professor of Sociology at UC San Diego, and has previously
served as the Co-Director of the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies
and Director of the Yankelovich Center for Social Science Research.


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