[ABE-L] Seminário do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística da UFPE

Francisco Cysneiros cysneiros em de.ufpe.br
Sex Out 30 12:31:36 -03 2015

Seminário do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística da UFPE
"A new class of Johnson S_B distributions and its associated regression
model for rates and proportions" Palestrante : Dr. Artur Lemonte
Departamento de Estatística - UFPE (trabalho conjunto com Jorge Bazán,
Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos/SP, Brasil) Data: 04 de novembro de
2016 (quarta-feira) Horário: 16:00 horas Local: Auditório Ruy Gomes -
Departamento de Estatística da UFPE, Segundo andar do CCEN Resumo: We
propose a broad class of distributions with bounded support on the basis of
the symmetric family of distributions. Based on this distribution, a new
regression model is introduced which is useful for situations where the
response is restricted to the standard unit interval and the regression
structure involves regressors and unknown parameters. The regression model
allows to model both location and dispersion effects. An application to
real data is presented to show the usefulness of the new regression model.

Francisco José A. Cysneiros
Associate professor
Head of the Graduate Program in Statistics
Departament of Statistics - UFPE
*ResearchedId G-633-2012 <http://www.researcherid.com/rid/G-6333-2012>*
*ORCID <http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6757-6969>*
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