[ABE-L] [SPAM] Fw: Call for Post-Doctoral Fellow

Dani Gamerman dani em im.ufrj.br
Seg Out 15 07:51:35 -03 2018

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
From: DE CARVALHO Miguel 
<Miguel.deCarvalho em ed.ac.uk>
<Miguel.deCarvalho em ed.ac.uk>, Patrícia de 
Zea Bermudez <pcbermudez em fc.ul.pt>
Sent: Mon, 15 Oct 2018 07:51:01 +0000
Subject: Call for Post-Doctoral Fellow 

Help broadcasting the call below would be 
much appreciated.

Call for Post-Doctoral Fellow for a 
project on Data Fusion and Calibration 
Methods for Spatial Risk Analysis.

Work Plan: The objectives of the work plan 
are to propose methods for calibrating 
extreme values of simulated data based on 
observed data. This problem is extremely 
important due to its applicability to 
several areas such as energy and 
environment. In an environmental 
framework, extreme values of certain 
variables, such as wind speeds and 
precipitation may cause severe damages in 
property, namely in electrical networks, 
roads, and agricultural infrastructures. 
Usually the observed data are scarce and 
thus simulation is the usual alternative. 
However, although the simulated and 
observed data are similar in the bulk of 
the distribution they are often very 
different in terms of extreme values. 
Simulated data have typically lighter 
right tails than those of observed data. 
Risk maps, based on simulated data, tend 
to underestimate the probabilities of 
damage. Methods for data fusion and 
calibration provide information which is 
more reliable from a spatial point of view 
and will produce more accurate risk maps.

Contract Duration: 31 months.

Place of Work: Work will mainly be 
developed at the facilities of Research 
Center CEAUL (Centre for Statistics and 
Applications), in the Faculty of Sciences, 
University of Lisbon, Portugal. Some work 
may be developed over research stays at 
the Centre for Statistics, University of 
Edinburgh, UK.

Web: Further details are available from


For queries contact 
FillGapsInMaps em gmail.com, Patrícia de Zea 
Bermudez (pcbermudez em fc.ul.pt) or Miguel 
de Carvalho (miguel.decarvalho em ed.ac.uk).

With thanks in advance,

M. de Carvalho & P. de Zea Bermudez
------- End of Forwarded Message -------

Dani Gamerman
Depto. de Métodos Estatísticos (DME)
Lab. de Sistemas Estocásticos (LSE)
Instituto de Matemática - UFRJ
fb: StatPop, twitter: @blogStatPop

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