[ABE-L] Estatística, Ciência de Dados e Inteligência Artificial

Doris Fontes dsfontes em gmail.com
Qua Jun 5 17:49:33 -03 2024

Na sessão temática da ABE (Ser Estatístico na Era da Ciência de Dados)
durante a RBras, houve um debate interessante sobre o nome do curso (se
deve ou não mudar para *Estatística e Ciência de Dados*), ou mesmo se o
nome Ciência de Dados não estaria sendo deixado para trás por causa da
"Inteligência Artificial".

No mercado de trabalho, eu ainda não vejo ainda nenhum movimento para
trocar o "cientista de dados" por um especialista em inteligência
artificial. Acho que, por enquanto, parecem duas carreiras distintas. De
toda a forma, acho que devemos ficar bem atentos para os caminhos da IA.

Abaixo, o que a ASA está fazendo para abraçar tudo: CD e IA... Devemos
manter nossas mentes abertas 😁


*ASA Committee on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence*

Committee Details (amstat.org)

Committee DetailsCommittee on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

The committee will Strive to understand the landscape of data science and
artificial intelligence (AI) within the ASA and serve as a proactive voice
for members of the ASA working in these areas. Advise the ASA Board of
Directors on strategic planning regarding the fields of data science and
AI; and steps the ASA should take to provide opportunities for members to
engage in data science and AI as well as how to attract non-members from
these fields to the ASA. Propose initiatives and facilitate Board-approved
initiatives related to data science and AI. Serve as a point of contact for
other communities connecting to ASA about data science and AI.

The committee has nine members, three of whom are appointed/reappointed
each year by the ASA President Elect for three-year terms. Three of its
members should be active members of non-ASA data science or AI professional
organizations, such as the ACM, AAAI, IEEE, and INFORMS. Sector
representation (academe, industry, government) should also be considered in
making appointments. Representation from leadership in major data science
programming language communities, such as those organized around R or
python, is also advised. One of the members is appointed (when necessary)
by the President Elect to serve as the Chair.

*Questions?* Want to get involved? Need a committee roster? Contact Elizabeth
Henry <elizabeth em amstat.org>
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