[ABE-L] Seminário PIPGEs com Guilherme Ludwig: 07/06 (sexta) às 14hs no CINA-UFSCar

Rafael Izbicki rafaelizbicki em gmail.com
Qua Maio 29 13:32:03 -03 2024


Na sexta-feira, *07 de junho às 14:00hs*, teremos seminário do Programa
Interinstitucional de Pós-Graduação em Estatística (PIPGEs) da UFSCar-USP.

Nome: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Ludwig (UNICAMP)

Título: Bayesian Analysis and Variable Selection for Spatial Count
Processes with an Application to Rio de Janeiro Gun Violence Data

Statistical analysis has been successfully applied to crime data for
identification of crime hot spots. In this paper, our objective is to
develop spatial statistics tools to identify key factors for gun violence
in Rio de Janeiro and study the relationship between these key factors and
the number of reported events. We propose a double-layer stochastic Poisson
regression model for spatial count processes, which enables us to address
the over-dispersed count data and to handle the spatial dependence. A Gibbs
sampler is developed for sampling from the posterior distributions with the
help of augmentation of Pólya-Gamma auxiliary variables. Moreover, we
propose a variable selection method for key factor identification based on
the spike-and-slab prior distribution for the regression coefficients. Our
analysis of the gun violence data in Rio de Janeiro reveals the
relationship between violence events and socio-demographic covariates as
well as an interpretable spatial random effect that accounts for unmeasured
covariate information. Joint work with Yuan Wang, Tingjin Chu, Haonan Wang
and Jun Zhu.

Local: Sala 6 do CINA-UFSCar (São Carlos)

Todos são bem vindos!

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Rafael Izbicki
Assistant Professor | Vice Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Statistics
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
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