[ABE-L] Fwd: Seminário PSC: Nancy L. Garcia (IMECC-UNICAMP), dia 6 de julho

Sandro Gallo sandro.gallo em ufscar.br
Sáb Jul 1 22:30:34 -03 2017

Boa noite a todos,

este email é para divulgar o último seminário de Probabilidade e Sistemas C
omplexos <http://scpc.icmc.usp.br/seminar.html> deste semestre, que
acontecerá próxima quinta.

Palestrante: Nancy L. Garcia (IMECC-UNICAMP)

*Local*: Sala 38 do Departamento de Estatística (DEs) da UFSCar.

*Data e horário:* Quinta feira, dia 6 de julho de 2017 às 14h.

*Título*: Identifying biomarkers for progesterone using mass spectrometry

*Resumo*: Changes in the lipid composition of the bovine uterus exposed to
greater (LF-LCL group) or lower (SF-SCL group) concentrations of
progesterone during post-ovulation were investigated by matrix assisted
laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). For each cow two
measurements were made and after preprocessing of the data, 76 m/z values
were selected identifying specific ions in the spectra. Due to the small
sample size, 7 cows in LF-LCL group and 10 cows in SF-SCL group, the usual
PCA methods could not identify biomarkers that discriminated between
groups. A model-based approach was therefore proposed and found able to
classify the MALDI-MS data, fitting a mixture of bivariate beta
distributions to accommodate the large number of zero observations as well
as the bivariate nature of the data.

Estão todos convidados!

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