[ABE-L] Great guys produce good reflections

Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira cpereira em ime.usp.br
Ter Nov 14 22:55:34 -03 2017

           é uma continuação de outra entrevista do Diaconis.
           Vejam o que ele coloca no último parágrafo.

Statistics is as healthy as it’s ever been. One can see the prominence  
of machine learning, but they are really just using ideas that were  
developed in Statistics twenty or fifty years ago. They are applying  
them—that’s great—but we are inventing the ideas that will be applied  
in the next twenty or fifty years. Statistics is a great field to be  
part of, and I’m still excited by it.

Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira
Stat Department - Professor & Head
University of São Paulo

Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão abe