[ABE-L] PALESTRA 23/11/2017: “A copula-based partition Markov procedure”

Helton Saulo heltonsaulo em gmail.com
Seg Nov 20 14:17:52 -03 2017

*O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística convida para:*


*“**A copula-based partition Markov procedure**”*


Verônica Andréa Gonzales Lopes (UNICAMP)

*DATA: *23/11/2017 (quinta-feira)

*HORÁRIO: *16:00h

*LOCAL: *Sala Multiuso (A1-7/76)


The number of parameters needed to specify a discrete multivariate Markov
chain grows exponentially with the order and dimension of the chain, and
when the size of the database is not large enough, it is not possibly a
consistent estimation. In this paper, we introduce a strategy to estimate a
multivariate process with an order greater than the order achieved using
standard procedures. The new strategy consists in obtaining a partition of
the state space which is constructed from a combination of the partitions
corresponding to the marginal processes and the partitions corresponding to
the multivariate Markov chain.

* VEJA OS PRÓXIMOS SEMINÁRIOS: http://www.pgest.unb.br/seminarios
<http://www.pgest.unb.br/seminarios> *


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística
Universidade de Brasília
Telefone: (61) 3107-3697
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