[ABE-L] Fwd: [info.statphys] postdoc in Santa Fe Institute / Duke on physics and inference

Fabio Machado faprama em gmail.com
Sex Out 19 10:04:55 -03 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Cris Moore <info.statphys em listes.ens-lyon.fr>
Date: Sex, 19 de out de 2018 02:30
Subject: [info.statphys] postdoc in Santa Fe Institute / Duke on physics
and inference
To: <info.statphys em listes.ens-lyon.fr>

Jiaming Xu and I have a joint grant to study various statistical inference
problems, including locating computational and information-theoretic phase
transitions for discovering hidden structure in graphs, tensors, and other
structures. We are open to postdocs from computer science, physics,
mathematics, and other relevant fields. The deadline is not yet set, but
please let us know if you are interested.

- Cristopher Moore
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