[ABE-L] Ciclo de Seminários DEST/UFRN - 2019

Eliardo Costa eliardocosta em hotmail.com
Seg Mar 25 13:41:00 -03 2019

Olá pessoal,

próxima quarta-feira (27) iniciaremos o nosso ciclo de seminários, abaixo as informações
do primeiro seminário.


Ciclo de Seminários do Departamento de Estatística da UFRN - 2019

Título: A flexible cure rate model based on the polylogarithm distribution

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Diego I. Gallardo Mateluna – Universidad de Atacama (Chile)

Quando: 27 de março de 2019, quarta-feira, às 14:00h.

Onde: Auditório do CCET/UFRN

Abstract: Models for dealing with survival data in the presence of a cured
fraction of individuals have attracted the attention of many researchers and
practitioners in recent years. In this paper, we propose a cure rate model
under the competing risks scenario. For the number of causes that can lead to
the event of interest, we assume the polylogarithm distribution. The model is
flexible in the sense it encompasses some well known models, which can be
tested using large sample test statistics applied to nested models. Maximum
likelihood estimation based on the EM algorithm and hypotheses testing are
investigated. Results of simulation studies designed to gauge the performance
of the estimation method and of two test statistics are reported. The
methodology is applied in the analysis of a data set.

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