[ABE-L] Próximo seminário (online) de probabilidade - IM-UFRJ

Maria Eulalia Vares eulalia em im.ufrj.br
Qua Dez 9 08:51:39 -03 2020

*Probability Webinar -   IM-UFRJ *

Dear colleagues,

Our next online seminar will be held on Monday, *December 14*, from *3 p.m.
to 4 p.m*. (Rio de Janeiro local time)

The GoogleMeet link for the seminars is:

Speaker:  *Giulio Iacobelli (IM-UFRJ)*

Title: *Random walk based algorithms for generating uniform spanning trees*

Abstract:  The task of efficiently generating uniform spanning trees of a
graph has received much attention. A breakthrough came with Aldous-Broder
and Wilson's algorithms, which can efficiently generate spanning trees
based on random walks. In this work, we study the transient behavior of
both algorithms. We introduce the notion of branches, which are paths
generated by the two algorithms on particular stopping times. This
interpretation is used to show a transient equivalence between the two
algorithms on complete graphs. This equivalence yields a hybrid approach to
generate uniform spanning trees of complete graphs faster than either of
the two algorithms. We also propose a two-stage framework to explore this
hybrid approach beyond complete graphs, showing its feasibility in some

All the talks are held in English.

Thanks for circulating this information.

Organizers: Guilherme Ost and Maria Eulalia Vares

de vírus. www.avast.com
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