[ABE-L] Fwd: Seminário conjunto UFSCar/USP - 11/12/2020 às 14h00

PIPGEs UFSCar pipges em ufscar.br
Qua Dez 9 17:30:56 -03 2020

Prezados (as), muito boa tarde!

Espero que estejam todos bem. Conforme solicitado pelo Prof. Sandro Gallo,
venho por meio deste convidá-los para o seminário desta sexta-feira (11/12):

*Seminário Conjunto UFSCar/USP*

*Data e horário:*
11/12/2020 às 14h

Google Meet - Link da apresentação será disponibilizado até uma hora antes
da palestra neste link

*Título: *On the Effects of Spatial Confounding in Hierarchical Models

Alexandra M. Schmidt  (McGill University - Canada)


Usually, in spatial generalised linear models, covariates that are
spatially smooth are collinear with spatial random effects. This affects
the bias and precision of the regression coefficients. This is known in the
spatial statistics literature as spatial confounding. We discuss the
problem of confounding in the case of multilevel spatial models wherein
there are multiple observations within clusters. We show that even under
the standard multilevel model, which allows for independent (i.e. not
spatially correlated) cluster effects, the cluster-level fixed effects
might be biased depending on the structure of the ‘true’ generating
mechanism of the processes. We provide simulation studies in order to
investigate the effects of confounding in the estimation of fixed effects
present in random intercept models under different scenarios of
confounding. One remedy to spatial confounding is restricted spatial
regression wherein the spatial random effects are constrained to be
orthogonal to the fixed effects of the model. We propose one way to fit a
restricted spatial regression model for multilevel data and illustrate it
with artificial data analyses.  We also investigate the effects of
confounding in an analysis of student performance in the 2013 Brazilian
Mathematical Olympics for Public Schools. This is joint work with Widemberg
S. Nobre and João B. M. Pereira, from the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

Contamos com a presença de todos(as)!

Lembramos também que todos os seminários e outras atividades previstas
encontram-se na página do PIPGEs (link <http://www.pipges.ufscar.br/>)

Julio Cezar de Barros
Assistente em Administração
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