[ABE-L] Recommendation of Book (Recent Advances in Lifetime and Reliability Models)

Abraão D. C. Nascimento abraao.susej em gmail.com
Qua Maio 6 17:46:42 -03 2020

 Caros Redistas,

     Boa tarde!
     Espero que esta mensagem os encontre bem.

     Gostaria de divulgar o livro

          "*Recent Advances in Lifetime and Reliability Models*"

      publicado pela *Bentham Science* e autorado por mim e pelos
Professores Gauss Cordeiro (UFPE) e Rodrigo Silva (UFPB).

      Este livro versa (dentre outros temas) sobre os principais geradores
de distribuições

      com apelo à análise do tempo de falha e confiabilidade: *Exponentiated
Models*,  *Beta Generalized Models*,

      *Kumaraswamy Generalized Models*, *Generalized Gamma Models*,  *Recent
Compounding Models*,  …

      Para mais detalhes, por favor acessar [



---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: *Hina Qamar* <hinaqamar em benthamscience.net>
Date: seg., 4 de mai. de 2020 às 05:23
Subject: Request for Library Recommendation of your Book (Recent Advances
in Lifetime and Reliability Models)

Dear Author/Editor,

We wish to thank you for your contribution to the book *Recent Advances in
Lifetime and Reliability Models *and hope that you will continue to
contribute to Bentham Books in the future.

We would be grateful if you could kindly recommend the book to your
librarian for purchase. This will also help in greater visibility of your
published works.

For your convenience, we have attached the draft of a recommendation letter
from you to your librarian requesting that they consider purchasing the
book. You can modify this draft as you wish. Kindly copy your
correspondence to me.


Hina Qamar

Assistant Manager Marketing


Dr. Abraão D. C. Nascimento
Adjunct Professor
Departament of Statistics
Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE
ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-9778-2012
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9853084384672692

"The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole
body will be full of light; but ..." (Matthew 6:22)

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