[ABE-L] Special Issue: Topological Data Analysis

gilson gilson em lncc.br
Dom Maio 24 07:54:54 -03 2020

The Current Chinese Computer Science (CCCS) journal has posted a ‘call 
for papers’ regarding the special issue:

“Topological Data Analysis: Topology as a Paradigm for Machine Learning 
and Data Mining”

The main goal of this special issue is to explore topological concepts 
for data analysis, data representation, information extraction and 
retrieval. Potential topics include but are not limited to the 

1) Topological data analysis of deep architectures in machine learning
2) Topology and geometry as a paradigm to analyze deep learning 
3) Scientific visualization and topological data analysis
4) Data models integrating topology and geometry, multivariate 
statistics and sampling theory
5) Data mining and analysis based on topology and geometry
6) Learning topology and manifolds for data analysis
7) Computational topology and algorithms for data analysis
8) Topology and geometry for signal and video analysis
9) Software engineering for topological data analysis systems

Submission Deadline: 31 August 2020

More details in the web site:

Section Editor: Gilson Antonio Giraldi
Affiliation: National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Petropolis, 
Email: gilson em lncc.br

Guest Editor: Mauren Louise Sguario Coelho de Andrade
Affiliation: Federal Technological University of Paraná, Ponta Grossa 
Campus, Brazil
Email: mlsguario em utfpr.edu.br

Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão abe