[ABE-L] Seminário de probabilidade e processos estocásticos IME - USP

Aline Duarte alineduarte em usp.br
Ter Nov 24 09:08:06 -03 2020

Caros colegas,

na próxima *sexta-feira*, 27 de novembro, às *15h, *acontecerá o último
seminário do ciclo SPSP-IME-USP de 2020. As informações e os vídeos dos
seminários estão disponíveis em https://sites.google.com/usp.br/psps-ime-usp

Um abraço,
Aline Duarte

*Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Processes*

  Giulio Iacobelli - (IM-UFRJ)
Next Friday, November 27th - *3pm*
Live on Google Meets: https://meet.google.com/htw-ctsn-uua
Video recording will be available on:

Title: Epidemic spreading by random walks on edge-transitive graphs

Abstract: We study an SIS epidemic model with infections carried by mobile
agents performing independent random walks on a graph. Agents can either be
infected (I) or susceptible (S),  and an infection occurs when an infected
agent meets a susceptible one. After a recovery time, an infected agent
returns to state S and can be infected again. The End of Epidemic (EoE)
denotes the first time when all agents are in state S, since after this
moment no further infection can occur. We present some results for the case
of two agents on edge-transitive graphs. Specifically, we characterize EoE
as a function of the network structure by relating the Laplace transform of
EoE to the Laplace transform of the meeting time of two random walks. We
also study the asymptotic behavior of EoE (asymptotically in the size of
the graph) on complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, and rings.

This is joint work with Seva Shneer (Heriot-Watt University) and Daniel
Figueiredo (COPPE/UFRJ).
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