[ABE-L] Seminários em Estatística e Ciência de Dados - Departamento de Estatística da UFBA

Paulo C Rodrigues paulocanas em gmail.com
Qui Abr 1 10:28:09 -03 2021

Prezados Colegas,

Na próxima terça, dia *6 de abril, às 13h00*, vamos dar continuidade aos
Seminários em Estatística e Ciência de Dados da Universidade Federal da

Este seminário será ministrado pelo *Professor Jean-Michel Poggi*. O
Jean-Michel é professor da Université Paris-Saclay, França. Atualmente é o
President-Elect da European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics
e assumirá a presidência durante 2021. Foi Presidente da European Courses
in Advanced Statistics, Vice-Presidente da Federation of European National
Statistical Societies, Council Member do International Statistical
Institute, e Presidente da Société Française de Statistique.

A sua pesquisa foca-se em previsão de series temporais, modelos de
classificação e regressão, ondaletas, árvores de decisão, desenvolvimento
de software e estatística aplicada. É ou foi membro do corpo editorial de
várias revistas científicas internacionais e já publicou mais de 100
artigos científicos em revistas especializadas.

Os detalhes do seminários são os seguintes:

*Title*: Spatial CART Classification Trees

CART (Classification And Regression Trees) is a statistical method
designing tree predictors for both regression and classification.  We
restrict our attention to the classification case with two populations.
Each observation is characterized by some input variables gathered in X and
a binary response variable Y. The principle of CART is to recursively
partition the input space using binary splits and then to determine an
optimal partition for prediction. The representation of the model relating
Y to X is a tree representing the process of construction of the model. If
the explanatory variables are spatial coordinates, we get a spatial
decision tree and this induces a tessellation of the input space. We
propose a spatial variant of the CART method, SpatCART. While the usual
CART tree considers the marginal distribution of the response variable at
each node, we propose to take into account the spatial location of the
observations. We introduce a dissimilarity index based on Ripley's
intertype K-function quantifying the interaction between two populations.
This index used for the growing step of the CART strategy leads to a
heterogeneity function consistent with the original CART algorithm. The
proposed procedure SpatCART is finally applied to a tropical forest example.

This a joint work with A. Bar-Hen and S. Gey recently published in
Computational Statistics

*Data*: 13h00 do dia 6 de abril de 2021

*Transmissão ao vivo online em*: meet.google.com/rsb-zfgp-rzy

Partilhem com os vossos colegas!

São todos bem vindos!

Um abraço,
Paulo Canas Rodrigues
Paulo Henrique Ferreira

Paulo Canas Rodrigues
*Professor* at Federal University of Bahia <http://ufba.br>, Brazil
*President*, Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society
*Vice-Coordinator*, Specialization in Data Science and Big Data
*Past-Chairman*, Latin American Regional Section (LARS) of the IASC
*Member of the Executive Committee, *International Association for
Statistical Computing <http://iasc-isi.org/>
*Member of the Board of Directors, *Brazilian Statistical Association
*Editor for*: CompStat <https://www.springer.com/journal/180>, SOIC
<http://www.iapress.org/index.php/soic>, Biom. Letters
<http://www.up.poznan.pl/biometrical.letters/>, Rev.Bras.Biom.

*CV Lattes*: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0029960374321970
*Web*: www.paulocanas.org
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