[ABE-L] Convite: Seminário DEST/UFMG em 27/08/2021.

Vinicius Mayrink vdinizm em gmail.com
Sex Ago 20 16:02:00 -03 2021


Na próxima sexta-feira (*27 de agosto, às 13:30h*) o ciclo de
Seminários do *Departamento
de Estatística da UFMG* terá a apresentação de *Jun Yan*.

Jun Yan é Professor do Departamento de Estatística da University of
Connecticut (EUA). Ele obteve o grau de Ph.D. em Estatística pela
University of Wisconsin (EUA). Suas áreas de pesquisa são: Modelos de
Dinâmicos de Sobrevivência, Dados Longitudinais, Estatística Espacial,
Estimação de Funções, Computação Estatística, Bioestatística, Aplicações em
Saúde Pública e Econometria.

O seminário será transmitido ao vivo pelo canal do Youtube "*Seminários
DEST - UFMG <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZC2_pME9ca_-Hx4djd60w>*".

Vinícius Mayrink

*********** Título e Resumo ***********

Jun Yan (University of Connecticut, EUA)

*Brownian motion governed by telegraph process in modeling high-frequency
financial series.*

The classic Markov regime-switching model is a discrete-time model, which
cannot naturally handle irregularly spaced time series. We propose a
continuous-time regime-switching model with two states. In each state, the
process is a Brownian motion with state-specific drift and volatility. The
unobserved states are characterized by a telegraph process with exponential
holding times, which is a continuous-time Markov process. Inferences for
the model parameters with discretely spaced time series are developed on
the basis of the hidden Markov model. Closes-form expressions for the
likelihood are facilitated with the dynamic programming technique along
with occupation time results for telegraph processes. For high-frequency
data, a fast approximation reduces the computing time drastically without
much accuracy loss. The performance of the method is validated in a
simulation study. In application to a collection of stock prices, the model
is found to be competitive in comparison to the popular GARCH model.

*Vinícius D. Mayrink*
*Professor Associado - Departamento de Estatística*
*ICEx, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais*
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