[ABE-L] Fwd: FGV EMAp | Seminário: "MCMC-driven importance samplers" por Luca Martino

Luiz Max Carvalho lmax.fgv em gmail.com
Seg Ago 23 09:00:59 -03 2021

Caros redistas,

Nesta semana teremos a presença de Luca Martino (URJC, Espanha) no
seminário FGV/EMAp, falando sobre amostradores por importância e suas
interações com MCMC. O seminário ocorre às quintas-feiras às 16h de
Brasília. Mais informações abaixo.

Esperamos vocês!



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In this presentation, I focus on the layered adaptive importance sampling
(LAIS), a class of adaptive importance samplers where Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are employed to drive an underlying multiple
importance sampling (IS) scheme. Its power lies in the simplicity of the
layered framework: the upper layer locates proposal densities by means of
MCMC algorithms; while the lower layer handles the multiple IS scheme, in
order to compute the final estimators. The modular nature of LAIS allows
for different possible choices in the upper and lower layers, that will
have different performance and computational costs. I show different
enhancements in order to increase the efficiency and reduce the
computational cost, of both upper and lower layers. The different variants
are essential if we aim to address computational challenges arising in
real-world applications, such as highly concentrated posterior
distributions (due to large amounts of data, etc.). Hamiltonian-driven
importance samplers will be presented and. Furthermore, I will describe
different strategies for designing cheaper schemes, for instance, recycling
samples generated in the upper layer and using them in the final estimators
in the lower layer.

Texto informado pelo autor.

*Quando e Onde:*

26 de Agosto de 2021, às *16h*

Via Zoom

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informações sobre conexão no seminário.


*Luca Martino *- I have obtained the MSc degree in Electronic Engineering
at the Politecnico di Milano and my PhD inStatistical Signal Processing
from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, in 2011. I was Assistant
Professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications at
Universidad Carlos III deMadrid since then. In August 2013 I joined the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at theUniversity of Helsinki with
a postdoctoral position. In March 2015, I joined the Universidade de São
Paulo (USP) as postdoctoral researcher. In May 2016, I started to work as a
postdoctoral researcher at the University of Valencia. Currently, I am
Associate Professor in URJC ("Profesor Titular" in Spain, permanent
position).  My research interests focus mainly on Bayesian inference,
Computational algorithms, Gaussian Processes and machine learning

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Luiz Max Fagundes de Carvalho
Lecturer, School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation
(FGV), Brazil.
Praia de Botafogo, 190, Sala 511, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22250-900.
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