[ABE-L] Pósdoc em ML para matemáticos e físicos (Fwd: Post-Doc in Machine learning theory at the University of Basel)

Roberto Imbuzeiro Moraes Felinto de Oliveira rimfo em impa.br
Sáb Fev 6 09:37:26 -03 2021


Mais um anúncio de pósdoc. Desta vez é na Suíça e a ideia é atrair gente
com base forte em Matemática e/ou Física.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Belius <david.belius em unibas.ch>
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 7:33 AM
Subject: Post-Doc in Machine learning theory at the University of Basel

Dear Colleagues,

Ivan Dokmanic* and I are looking for a Post-Doc to work on machine learning
theory (funded by Ivan and co-supervised by me). We are interested in
candidates with a strong background in mathematics or physics, even without
much previous knowledge of machine learning.

Please forward this message with the attached announcement to any people
you know who may be interested in working in this very exciting area, which
as you can imagine is exploding as we try to build a principled
understanding of the revolutionary developments in applied machine learning
of the past decade. There are many fundamental discoveries to be made and
this is certainly a great area for an early career mathematician/physicist.

Best Regards,
David Belius

David Belius | SNF Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science | University of Basel
david.belius em unibas.ch |  +41 61 207 55 82 | Spiegelgasse 1, 4051 Basel,

Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira
Professor, IMPA
rimfo em impa.br, rob.oliv em gmail.com
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