[ABE-L] Fwd: FGV EMAp | Seminário: "Sequential Monte Carlo samplers to fit and compare insurance loss models" por Pierre-O. Goffard

Luiz Max Carvalho lmax.fgv em gmail.com
Seg Jul 19 09:05:31 -03 2021

Caros redistas,

Nesta semanda teremos uma palestra sobre 'Actuarial Statistics', que penso
que pode interessar a vários de vocês. Como sempre, os seminários da EMAp
ocorrem às 16h às quintas-feiras.



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Insurance loss distributions are characterized by a high frequency of small
amounts and a lower, but not insignificant, occurrence of large claim
amounts. Composite models, which link two probability distributions, one
for the “belly” and the other for the “tail” of the loss distribution, have
emerged in the actuarial literature to take this specificity into account.
The parameters of these models summarize the distribution of the losses.
One of them corresponds to the breaking point between small and large claim
amounts. The composite models are usually fitted using maximum likelihood
estimation. A Bayesian approach is considered in this work. Sequential
Monte Carlo samplers are used to sample from the posterior distribution and
compute the posterior model evidences to both fit and compare the competing
models. The method is validated via a simulation study and illustrated on
insurance loss datasets.

Texto informado pelo autor.

*Quando e Onde:*

22 de Julho de 2021, às *16h*

Via Zoom

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*Pierre-O. Goffard* - is an associate professor at l’Institut de Science
Financière et d’Assurances a graduate school specialized in actuarial
science part of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1. His research interest
lies at the intersection of probability and statistics applied to risk
theory, claim modelling and blockchain analysis.

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Luiz Max Fagundes de Carvalho
Lecturer, School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation
(FGV), Brazil.
Praia de Botafogo, 190, Sala 511, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22250-900.
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