[ABE-L] Convite: Seminário DEST/UFMG em 30/07/2021.

Vinicius Mayrink vdinizm em gmail.com
Sex Jul 23 16:01:00 -03 2021


Na próxima sexta-feira (*30 de julho, às 13:30h*) o ciclo de Seminários do
Departamento de Estatística da UFMG terá a apresentação de *Luis Mauricio
Castro Cepero*.

Mauricio é Doutor em Estatística pela PUC-Chile e, atualmente, professor da
PUC-Chile. Entre 2016 e 2019, ele foi presidente da Sociedade Chilena de
Estatística. Suas áreas de pesquisa são: Distribuições assimétricas e de
caudas pesadas, dados longitudinais e problemas de identificação.

O seminário será transmitido ao vivo pelo canal do Youtube "*Seminários
DEST - UFMG <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZC2_pME9ca_-Hx4djd60w>*":

Vinícius Mayrink

*********** Título e Resumo ***********

Luis Mauricio Castro Cepero (PUC, Chile)

*Modelling point referenced spatial count data: a Poisson process approach*

Random fields are useful mathematical tools for representing natural
phenomena with complex dependence structures in space and/or time. In
particular, the Gaussian random field is commonly used due to its
attractive properties and mathematical tractability. However, this
assumption seems to be restrictive when dealing with counting data. To deal
with this situation, we propose a random field with a Poisson marginal
distribution by considering a sequence of independent copies of a random
field with an exponential marginal distribution as 'inter-arrival times' in
the counting renewal processes framework. Our proposal can be viewed as a
spatial generalization of the Poisson process. Unlike the classical
hierarchical  Poisson Log-Gaussian model, our proposal generates a
(non)-stationary random field that is mean square continuous and with
Poisson marginal distributions. For the proposed Poisson spatial random
field, analytic expressions for the covariance function and the bivariate
distribution are provided. In an extensive simulation study, we investigate
the weighted pairwise likelihood as a method for estimating the Poisson
random field parameters. Finally, the effectiveness of our methodology is
illustrated by an analysis of reindeer pellet-group survey data, where a
zero-inflated version of the proposed model is compared with zero-inflated
Poisson Log-Gaussian and Poisson Gaussian copula models.

*Vinícius D. Mayrink*
*Professor Associado - Departamento de Estatística*

*ICEx, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais*
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