[ABE-L] [Convite] Papos Aleatórios - 26/10 - 16h

Patricia Lusie patricialusie em id.uff.br
Sex Out 22 16:00:00 -03 2021

Boa tarde,

Estamos de volta com o Papos Aleatórios!

Na próxima terça, 26/10, às 16h, receberemos o mestrando em estatística na
UFRJ, Vitor Capdaville, no Papos Aleatórios.

Vitor apresentará seu trabalho de Iniciação Científica ganhador do 2º lugar
do Prêmio ABE de Iniciação Científica.

Todos estão convidados! A transmissão será feita pelo nosso canal do
YouTube (http://youtube.com/EstatisticaUFF/).

Título: Bayesian factor models for multivariate categorical data obtained
from questionnaires

Resumo: Factor analysis is a flexible technique for assessment of
multivariate dependence and codependence. Besides being an exploratory tool
used to reduce the dimensionality of multivariate data, it allows
estimation of common factors that often have an interesting theoretical
interpretation in real problems. However, standard factor analysis is only
applicable when the variables are scaled, which is often inappropriate, for
example, in data obtained from questionnaires in the field of psychology,
where the variables are often categorical. In this framework, we propose a
factor model for the analysis of multivariate ordered and non-ordered
polychotomous data. The inference procedure is done under the Bayesian
approach via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Two Monte Carlo simulation
studies are presented to investigate the performance of this approach in
terms of estimation bias, precision and assessment of the number of
factors. We also illustrate the proposed method to analyze participants'
responses to the Motivational State Questionnaire dataset, developed to
study emotions in laboratory and field settings.

Esperamos vocês lá.


Patrícia Lusié
Professora Adjunta e Chefe do Departamento de Estatística
Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - UFF
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