[ABE-L] Seminários PIPGEs UFSCar/USP

Michel H. Montoril michelcias em gmail.com
Seg Jun 6 22:55:30 -03 2022


Gostaríamos de convidar a todos para o próximo seminário conjunto
UFSCar/ICMC-USP, que ocorrerá no dia *10/06*, *às 14h*. Seguem informações

Sintam-se à vontade para divulgar (arquivo em anexo) entre eventuais


*Scheduled for:*
Jun 10, 2022, at 2:00 pm
(GMT-03:00) Brasilia Standard Time - Sao Paulo

*Video call link HERE <https://meet.google.com/ywg-unte-uqi>.*

Elias Krainski (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)

An overview of the Stochastic Partial Differential Equations approach for
spatial and spatio-temporal models

In this talk we will briefly introduce some work on the Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations approach for building models for Gaussian Random
Fields. We consider the link between the discrete and continuous domain
models and how this framework can be used to build nonstationary and
nonseparable spatio-temporal models. We will point how to implement this
model class taking advantages of direct solvers for general sparse matrices
so that the computation time does not increase much when comparing with
stationary and separable models. An application will be shown as an

Elias did his PhD at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in
Trondheim, Norway. He was adjunct professor at the statistics department of
the Universidade Federal do Paraná until September 2019. He was a
postdoctoral fellow at the Statistics department of the Dalhousie
University in Halifax, Canada and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, working with the
Bayesian Computation research group led by Professor HÃ¥vard Rue. His work
is mainly on applying new models.

/* Michel H. Montoril,
 * Assistant Professor,
 * Department of Statistics,
 * Federal University of São Carlos,
 * São Carlos, SP, 13565-905, Brazil
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Mais detalhes sobre a lista de discussão abe