[ABE-L] Announcement and call for special sessions at the Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM)

'Pablo Martin Rodriguez' via abe-l@ime.usp.br abe-l em ime.usp.br
Seg Jun 13 08:47:41 -03 2022

Prezado(a)s bom dia.

Segue divulgação do *Latin American Congress on Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (LACIAM), a ser realizado de 30 de janeiro a 03 de fevereiro *de
2023, na FGV - Rio de Janeiro.

Favor repassar para possíveis interessado(a)s.

Um abraço
Pablo Rodriguez


* Dear colleagues and students, The School of Applied Mathematics of the
Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV EMAp and the Brazilian Society for
Computational and Applied Mathematics - SBMAC are happy to announce the
list of confirmed speakers, the Call for the Special Sessions and the Call
for abstract for poster presentation at the Latin American Congress on
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LACIAM), that will be held from January
30th to February 3rd 2023, at FGV, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Confirmed
plenary speakers:  Alberto Paccanaro, FGV EMAp,  Brazil Alvaro Jose Riascos
Villegas, Universidad de los Andes & Quantil, Colombia André Luiz Diniz ,
CEPEL - Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Elétrica, Brazil José Luis Aragón
Vera, Centro de Física Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, UNAM, Mexico Juan
Carlos De Los Reyes, Centro de Modelización Matemática (MODEMAT), Escuela
Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador Maya Stein, Center for Mathematical Modeling,
Universidad de Chile, Chile Ruben Spies, Instituto de Matemática Aplicada
del Litoral (IMAL) & CONICET, Argentina Soledad Villar, Johns Hopkins
University, USA Susana Gómez Gómez, Instituto de Matemáticas Aplicadas y
Sistemas, UNAM, Mexico Wil Schilders, TU Eindhoven, Holland Confirmed
minicourse: Ana Shirley Ferreira da Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceará,
Brazil __________________________ Special sessions proposals and abstracts
for poster presentations are welcome. See details at
<https://eventos.fgv.br/laciam-2023/sessions-posters> Timeline: Deadline
for special sessions’ proposal submission: August 5th 2022 Deadline for
abstract submission: August 31st 2022 Updated information will be posted
here: https://eventos.fgv.br/laciam-2023/sessions-posters
__________________________ On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing
Committee, we hope that you can join the event. Please feel free to forward
this information to potentially interested colleagues. With best wishes,
María Soledad Aronna, FGV EMAp, Brazil (chair) *

María Soledad Aronna
Associate Professor at FGV EMAp, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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