[ABE-L] Fwd: 16th EBEB and VI LACSC- Schools
Verónica Andrea González López
veronica em ime.unicamp.br
Sex Mar 4 09:28:01 -03 2022
Caros Redistas
Segue divulgação de duas escolas inseridas no evento vindouro: *16th
Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference
on Statistical Computing*, não percam!!!!
>>O evento e as escolas (duas) são gratuitos para estudantes de todos os
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De: LACSC LARS-IASC <lacsc.lars.iasc em gmail.com>
Date: qui., 3 de mar. de 2022 Ã s 18:11
Subject: 16th EBEB and VI LACSC- Schools
To: <veronica em ime.unicamp.br>
Dear colleagues
Do NOT miss the schools that we'll have during the "16th Brazilian Meeting
of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference of Statistical
The event is free for students.
[image: imagen.png]
[image: imagen.png]
Registration link 👉:
We invite you to register and/or share this news among your colleagues.
With kind regards,
Latin American Regional Section of the IASC
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