[ABE-L] 🕛 [Call for papers] MusMat - Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics V6N1
Hugo Carvalho
hugo em dme.ufrj.br
Qua Mar 16 16:23:22 -03 2022
The MusMat Research Group invites authors to submit your papers containing
original and non-published research to the MusMat • Brazilian Journal of
Music and Mathematics. The submissions are evaluated through a double-blind
peer-review process, by a group of renowned researchers in the field.
Papers submitted up to April 30th. 2022 will be eligible to be published in
the first number of the sixth volume of the journal, at the end of June of
2022. Otherwise, they will be eligible for the next issue, to be published
in December 2022.
For more instructions, please check:
Check out https://musmat.org/en/musmat-journal/ to see the previous issues
of the journal.
Best regards,
MusMat Research Group
MusMat Research Group · Avenida República do Chile, 330, Torre Leste 21º
Andar · Centro · Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20031-170 · Brazil
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Hugo Tremonte de Carvalho
• Assistant Professor @
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (*UFRJ <https://ufrj.br/>*)
- Institute of Mathematics (*IM <http://www.im.ufrj.br/>*)
- Department of Statistical Methods (*DME <http://www2.dme.ufrj.br/>*)
• Member of the MusMat Research Group <https://musmat.org/>
• Coordinator of the Specialization in Data Science
Personal website: *im.ufrj.br/~hugocarvalho/
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