[ABE-L] Fwd: FW: [EXTERNAL] postdoctoral fellowship in Hawaii: modeling insect movement

'Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio' via abe-l@ime.usp.br abe-l em ime.usp.br
Seg Dez 16 10:31:54 -03 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rafael De Andrade Moral <Rafael.DeAndradeMoral em mu.ie>
Date: Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 12:21 PM
Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] postdoctoral fellowship in Hawaii: modeling insect
To: Niamh Cahill <Niamh.Cahill em mu.ie>, kate.finucane em ucdconnect.ie <
kate.finucane em ucdconnect.ie>, Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio <
clarice.demetrio em usp.br>, Wesley Godoy <wacgodoy em usp.br>

Hi Niamh, Kate, Clarice and Wesley

Could you please advertise this to the ISA, Young-ISA and RBras/ABE lists?



*From: *Siderhurst, Matthew - REE-ARS <Matthew.Siderhurst em usda.gov>
*Date: *Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 13:59
*To: *Rafael De Andrade Moral <Rafael.DeAndradeMoral em mu.ie>
*Subject: *[EXTERNAL] postdoctoral fellowship in Hawaii: modeling insect

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My lab works on tracking insects and has used their movement data to do
simple modeling (one example below).  My personal take is that insect
movement modeling could benefit from more individual movement data which is
now possible with smaller tracking tags (including the ones we make).

I’m very interested in recruiting a postdoc to work with the movement data
my lab is generating.  My impression is that there are lots of novel ways
(I have some ideas) to apply movement models to insects based on what has
been developed with larger animals.  This research has potential impacts on
agriculture, insect conservation, and human health (through studying
disease vectors).

Below are some recent papers that showcase the approach and some of the
ideas on analyzing the data for fruit flies specifically:

Hurst, A.L., O′Brien, A.L., Miller, N.D. *et al.* Tracking and modeling the
movement of Queensland fruit flies, *Bactrocera tryoni*, using harmonic
radar in papaya fields. *Sci Rep* *14*, 17521 (2024).

Miller ND, Yoder TJ, Manoukis NC, Carvalho LAFN, Siderhurst MS (2022)
Harmonic radar tracking of individual melon flies, *Zeugodacus cucurbitae*,
in Hawaii: Determining movement parameters in cage and field settings. PLoS
ONE 17(11): e0276987. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0276987

Thanks for your time.




[image: USDA Logo]

*Matthew Siderhurst, PhD *(he/him)

Research Biologist

USDA-Agricultural Research Service

Daniel K. Inouye US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center

Mailing address:


c/o Matthew Siderhurst

64 Nowelo St.

Hilo, Hawaii 96720

Office: (808) 959-4312

Cell: (808) 285-6347

Webpage: Matthew Siderhurst : USDA ARS

*“Do right and feed everyone”*

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