[ABE-L] Fwd: ISA Mail: IWSM 2025
'Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio' via abe-l@ime.usp.br
abe-l em ime.usp.br
Seg Jul 29 09:33:38 -03 2024
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hinde, John Philip <john.hinde em universityofgalway.ie>
Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: ISA Mail: IWSM 2025
To: Clarice Demetrio <clarice.demetrio em usp.br>
Begin forwarded message:
*From: *Niamh Cahill <000010c544193871-dmarc-request em LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
*Subject: **ISA Mail: IWSM 2025*
*Date: *26 July 2024 at 13:06:05 IST
*Reply-To: *This mailing list is for members of the Irish Statistical
*EXTERNAL EMAIL:* This email originated outside the University of Galway.
Do not open attachments or click on links unless you believe the content is
*RÍOMHPHOST SEACHTRACH:* Níor tháinig an ríomhphost seo ó Ollscoil na
Gaillimhe. Ná hoscail ceangaltáin agus ná cliceáil ar naisc mura gcreideann
tú go bhfuil an t-ábhar sábháilte.
Hi all,
Please find attached information about the 39th International Workshop on
Statistical Modelling (IWSM) which will be hosted in Limerick in 2025.
Here is a list of the main points of information in the attached PDFs.
- *Location: *Limerick City, Ireland.
- *Dates: *July 13th - 18th, 2025.
- *Venue: *The Strand Hotel.
- *Speakers:* Brendan Murphy (Ireland), Ruth King (UK), Sonja Greven
(Germany), Daniele Durante (Italy), and Cynthia Rudin (US).
- *Social events:* Welcome reception in Treaty City Brewery, conference
dinner in House Restaurant, and excursions to the Cliffs of Moher and the
Limerick City Medieval Quarter.
All the best,
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