[ABE-L] CIRS/SWB Webinar: "Introduction to Record Linkage" by Dr. Natalie Shlomo, May 22, 2024, 12-1:30 PM ET.

Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva denisebritz em gmail.com
Sex Maio 17 22:07:05 -03 2024

Olá a todos e todas,
Encaminho o anúncio do webinário promovido pelo  Committee on International
Relations in Statistics (CIRS) da ASA and by Statistics Without Borders

*"The webinar series provides introductory lectures by experts on important
topics of current interest and is aimed at an international audience". *

Mais detalhes estão descritos na mensagem da Prof. Alexandra Schmidt que
envio em anexo.
Profa. Natalie Shlomo, presidente da International Association of Survey
Statisticians,  é uma reconhecida pesquisadora e especialista no tema.

Pedimos a colaboração na divulgação do evento.

Denise Britz do Nascimento Silva
Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas (ENCE/IBGE)
National School of Statistical Sciences
Vice-President - International Statistical Institute

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce our upcoming CIRS/SWB Webinar titled
"Introduction to Record Linkage" by Dr. Natalie Shlomo, to take place on *May
22,  2024, 12-1:30 PM ET.*
 Our webinar series, sponsored jointly by the American Statistical
Association’s Committee on International Relations in Statistics (CIRS) and
by Statistics Without Borders (SWB), provides introductory lectures by
experts on important topics of current interest and is aimed at an
international audience.
 Please join us by registering for this webinar and *help us spread the
word by forwarding this to colleagues you think might be interested*.
Participation is free but registration is required—please register here
visit our website’s events
to register.
More information is provided below.   We look forward to seeing you there!
  *Title:* "Introduction to Record Linkage"
*Speaker:* Dr. Natalie Shlomo
*Abstract:* Record linkage brings together information from records in two
or more data sources that are believed to belong to the same entity based
on a common set of matching variables. Matching variables, however, can
appear with errors and variations and the challenge is to link statistical
entities when their data is subject to errors. I will describe the classic
Fellegi and Sunter (1969) probabilistic record linkage framework. I will
then present extensions and innovations that have been developed in recent
years to improve on the original framework.
 *About the presenter:* Dr. Natalie Shlomo is Professor of Social
Statistics at the University of Manchester and publishes widely in topics
under survey statistics and methodology. She has over 70 publications and
refereed book chapters and a track record of generating external funding
for her research. She is an elected member of the International Statistical
Institute (ISI), a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, a fellow of the
Academy of Social Sciences, and President 2023-2025 of the International
Association of Survey Statisticians.  She also serves on national and
international Methodology Advisory Boards and editorial boards.

Registration Link: Webinar Registration - Zoom

 We hope to see you there.
Best wishes,
Alex (for the organizing committee)
Alexandra M. Schmidt
Professor - The University Chair
McGill University
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