[ABE-L] First announcement Spring school on "Kinetically constrained models and boostrap percolation", Paris, June 16-20, 2025.

Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira rimfo em impa.br
Dom Nov 3 10:11:37 -03 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Cyril ROBERTO <cyril.roberto em math.cnrs.fr>
Date: dom., 3 de nov. de 2024, 09:59
Subject: First announcement Spring school on "Kinetically constrained
models and boostrap percolation", Paris, June 16-20, 2025.

Dear Colleague,

You are cordially invited to participate in the Spring (almost summer)
School at the Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, June 16-20, 2025.

We are pleased to inform you that Ivailo Hartarsky (Lyon 1) and Cristina
Toninelli (Dauphine) will give 10 hours lectures (each) on

*Kinetically constrained models and boostrap percolation*.

To get more information about this Spring School, please go to the
following web page:


Registration is free but mandatory. In order to register, go to the
"registration" link.

We may be able to offer financial support to a limited number of
participants (specially young people). If you are interested in applying a
financial support (\pm 500-600 euros) please send an email to
constrainedmodels2025ihp em gmail.com with a CV.

Looking very much forward to seeing you in Paris,

With all best wishes,
Cyril Roberto on behalf of the organizers

P.S.:  Please bring this Spring School to the attention of graduate
students, postdocs and colleagues who may be interested.
P.P.S.: Sorry for the multiple instances of the same message.
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