[ABE-L] Seminário PIPGEs com Gleici Perdoná (FMRP/USP): 6/12 (sexta) às 14hs no ICMC-USP
Rafael Izbicki
rafaelizbicki em gmail.com
Sáb Nov 30 08:31:50 -03 2024
Na sexta-feira, *6 de dezembro às 14:00hs*, teremos seminário do Programa
Interinstitucional de Pós-Graduação em Estatística (PIPGEs) da UFSCar-USP.
*Nome*: Gleici Perdoná (Dep Medicina Social – Faculdade de Medicina de
Ribeirão Preto/USP)
*Title: *On the Unification of Zero-Adjusted Cure Survival Models
*Abstract:* Background and Objective: Survival models that include these
two features can be referred to as zero-adjusted cure survival models. This
class of models is still limited in terms of modeling competing causes.
This paper’s main objective is to present a unified version of the survival
models, accommodating the zero-adjustment and cure proportions for a
general class of latent competing causes. Methods: We first derive the
proposed model and present the particular cases considering various
distributions for the competing causes, such as Binomial, Geometric,
Poisson, and Negative Binomial. A simulation study was performed, and we
present the modeling of particular cases in real obstetric data collected
by the World Health Organization. Results: The simulation study indicates
good performance. Regarding the study of the childbirth times, the
particular case that assumes geometrically distributed causes presented a
better fit to the data. Conclusions: The main advantage of the proposed
methodology is that it ensures great flexibility for modeling, as the
researcher can consider different probability distributions for the
lifetime of susceptible individuals and competing causes. As it can be
applied in several practical situations that need to accommodate
zero-adjusted lifetimes, we believe that our model has vast application
*Local: *Sala 4-003 do ICMC-USP (São Carlos)
Todos são bem vindos!
[image: seminario.png]
Rafael Izbicki
Assistant Professor | Vice Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Statistics
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar)
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