[ABE-L] Seminário DEST/UFMG em 11/10/2024

Marcos Prates marcosop em gmail.com
Sex Out 4 14:44:37 -03 2024


Na próxima sexta-feira (11 de Outubro, às 13:30h) o ciclo de Seminários do
Departamento de Estatística da UFMG terá a apresentação do Prof. Vinicius
Mayrink da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.

Vinícius é professor Associado do Departamento de Estatística da UFMG e tem
a seguinte formação acadêmica: Bacharel em Estatística pela UFMG (2004),
Mestre em Estatística pela UFRJ (2006), Mestre em Estatística pela Duke
University (EUA, 2009) e Doutor em Estatística pela Duke University (EUA,
2011). Atualmente é Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística
da UFMG, Editor Associado do Brazilian Journal of Probability and
Statistics (BJPS) e Editor Associado de Reproducibilidade do Journal of the
American Statistical Association (JASA). Entre 2024-2027, coordena projeto
de parceria internacional (Brasil e Alemanha) financiado pelo programa
PROBRAL/CAPES. Suas áreas de interesse são: Inferência Bayesiana, Análise
Multivariada, Estatística Espacial, Análise de Sobrevivência e Modelagem
Estatística em Bioinformática.

Title: Spatial Functional Data analysis: Irregular spacing and Bernstein

Resumo: Spatial Functional Data (SFD) analysis is an emerging statistical
framework that combines Functional Data Analysis (FDA) and spatial
dependency modeling. Unlike traditional statistical methods, which treat
data as scalar values or vectors, SFD considers data as continuous
functions, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of their
behavior and variability. This approach is well-suited for analyzing data
collected over time, space, or any other continuous domain. SFD has found
applications in various fields, including economics, finance, medicine,
environmental science, and engineering. This study proposes new functional
Gaussian models incorporating spatial dependence structures, focusing on
irregularly spaced data and reflecting spatially correlated curves. The
model is based on Bernstein polynomial (BP) basis functions and utilizes a
Bayesian approach for estimating unknown quantities and parameters. The
paper explores the advantages and limitations of the BP model in capturing
complex shapes and patterns while ensuring numerical stability. The main
contributions of this work include the development of an innovative model
designed for SFD using BP, the presence of a random effect to address
associations between irregularly spaced observations, and a comprehensive
simulation study to evaluate models’ performance under various scenarios.
The work also presents one real application of Temperature in Mexico City,
showcasing practical illustrations of the proposed model. This is a joint
work with Alexander Burbano-Moreno.

O seminário será presencial na sala 2076 do Instituto de Ciências Exatas da

Marcos Prates
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