[ABE-L] Ciclo de Seminários do PPGEst UFRGS

Guilherme Pumi guipumi em gmail.com
Qui Out 17 10:48:57 -03 2024

Caros colegas

É com imenso prazer que divulgamos o próximo seminário do Ciclo 2024/03 do
PPGEst - UFRGS, que ocorrerá na próxima terça-feira 22/10 a partir das
13:30 de forma remota pelo link

Seguem os detalhes do Seminário e o banner anexo:

*Palestrante:* Profª Drª Rosangela Helena Loschi (UFMG)

*Título:* RENeGe(Randomly Edge-Weighted Neighborhood Graphs): A new
approach for spatial data

*Resumo:* Traditional models for areal data assume a hierarchical structure
where one of the components is the random effects that spatially correlate
the areas. The conditional autoregressive (CAR) model is the most popular
distribution to jointly model the prior uncertainty about these spatial
random effects. One limitation of the CAR distribution is the inability of
producing high correlations between neighboring areas. We propose a new
model for areal data that alleviates this problem. We represent the map by
an undirected graph where the nodes are the areas and randomly-weighted
edges connect nodes that are neighbors. The model is based on a
multivariate Student-$t$ distribution, spatially structured, in which the
precision matrix is indirectly built assuming a multivariate distribution
for the random edges effects. The edges effects' joint distribution is a
spatial multivariate Student-$t$ that induces another $t$ distribution for
the areas' spatial effects which inherit its capacity to accommodate
outliers and heavy-tail behavior. Most important, it can produce a higher
marginal correlation between the spatial effects than the CAR model
overcoming one of the main limitations to this model. We fit the proposed
model to analyze real cancer maps and compared its performance with several
state-of-art competitors. Our proposed model provides better fitting in
almost all cases. Joint work with Danna L. Cruz and Renato M. Assunção
This work was supported by CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG.

*Data:* 22/10/2024

*Horário:* 13h30min

*Local:*  plataforma mconf, no link: https://mconf.ufrgs.br/webconf/ppgest


Guilherme Pumi
Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Estatística - UFRGS
Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística - PPGEst
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