[ABE-L] Fwd: [ISI] Invitation for World Statistics Congress 2025 | The Hague
Pedro Luis do Nascimento Silva
pedronsilva em gmail.com
Qua Out 23 10:42:34 -03 2024
Caros redistas,
Circulando aqui chamada para inscrição e participação do próximo congresso
do ISI - International Statistical Institute.
Será realizado em Haia, na Holanda, entre 5 e 9 de outubro do próximo ano.
Peço a gentileza de circularem entre suas redes de contatos e possíveis
Saudações, Pedro.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: ISI Mailings <info em isi-web.org>
Date: ter., 22 de out. de 2024 às 11:57
Subject: [ISI] Invitation for World Statistics Congress 2025 | The Hague
To: <pedronsilva em gmail.com>
View online
<https://www.isi-next.org/conferences/isi-wsc2025/> [image: ISI]
Dear Dr. Do Nascimento Silva,
Firstly, I would like to sincerely thank you for your involvement with our
organisation as an Elected Member of the International Statistical
Institute. Your membership enables us to maintain our position as a leading
organisation in the field of statistics and to organise innovative projects
for our members.
With your support, we can host important events, such as the biennial World
Statistics Congress. I am pleased to inform you that the 65th edition of
this congress will take place in 2025 in The Hague. This is a unique
opportunity to participate without the need for long-distance travel.
*Important details about the World Statistics Congress 202**5*:
- *Date: *5 to 9 October 2025
- *Location*: World Forum, The Hague
- *Programme*: You can expect inspiring sessions and ample opportunities
to meet statisticians from around the world. The programme for 2025 is now
available and can be consulted on our website: Programme
Registration is now open. I would like to personally invite you to register
with the current early bird rates available until 12 May 2025. As an ISI
member, you will also benefit from your additional members' discount on top
of these rates.
For more information and to register, please visit our website
I would also kindly like to request your support in promoting the World
Statistics Congress within your organisation and network. Attached, you
will find a flyer about the congress. We would greatly appreciate it if you
could share this and invite your colleagues to participate as well. The
congress is open to statisticians and data scientists, even if they are not
ISI members.
If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact me via
email or schedule an appointment. I look forward to meeting you at the 65th
edition of the World Statistics Congress in The Hague. See you then!
Kind regards,
Conchita Kleijweg
Directeur International Statistical Institute
- WSC 2025 Flyer
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