[ABE-L] Fwd: Fw: Academic Seminar of Data Science with Camila Borelli - UFJF

Hedibert Lopes hedibert em gmail.com
Sáb Set 28 09:43:09 -03 2024

*Title:*  Regression Modeling of Censored Data based on Compound Scale
Mixtures of Normal Distributions

*Palestrante:*  *Camila Borelli Zeller

*Universidade: * *UFJF <https://www2.ufjf.br/ufjf/>*

*Abstract:* In the framework of censored regression models, the
distribution of the error term can depart significantly from normality, for
instance, due to the presence of multimodality, skewness and/or atypical
observations. In this paper we propose a novel censored linear regression
model where the random errors follow a finite mixture of scale mixtures of
normal (SMN) distribution. The SMN is an attractive class of symmetrical
heavy-tailed densities that includes the normal, Student-t, slash and the
contaminated normal distribution as special cases. This approach allows us
to model data with great flexibility, accommodating simultaneously
multimodality, heavy tails and skewness depending on the structure of the
mixture components. We develop an analytically tractable and efficient
EM-type algorithm for iteratively computing the maximum likelihood
estimates of the parameters, with standard errors and prediction of the
censored values as a by-products. The proposed algorithm has closed-form
expressions at the E-step, that rely on formulas for the mean and variance
of the truncated SMN distributions. The efficacy of the method is verified
through the analysis of simulated and real datasets. The methodology
addressed in this paper is implemented in the R package CensMixReg.

[image: Ã cone Data]

October 3, 2024

[image: Ã cone Hora]

12pm, São Paulo, Brasil (UTC/GMT -03:00)

[image: Ã cone Data]

Via Zoom

The seminar will be streamed at the *link <https://zoom.us/j/95781336030>*

access password : 290524

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Rua Quatá, 300 - Vila Olímpia - São Paulo/SP - Brasil - CEP: 04546-042 |
Tel: (11) 4504-2400

Hedibert Freitas Lopes, PhD
Professor of Statistics and Econometrics
INSPER - Institute of Education and Research
Rua Quatá, 300 - São Paulo, SP 04546-042 Brazil
Phone: +55 11 4504-2343
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