[ABE-L] Fwd: FGV EMAp | Seminário Híbrido: "Scalable stochastic compartmental models for infectious disease" por Marc Suchard

Luiz Max Carvalho lmax.fgv em gmail.com
Seg Out 24 10:41:35 -03 2022

Olá, pessoal,

Na próxima quinta-feira (27/10), a Escola de Matemática Aplicada da FGV vai
receber o Professor Marc Suchard, da UCLA, para falar sobre seu trabalho
com modelos  estocásticos compartimentais para doenças infecciosas e como
fazer inferência para esses modelos.

O seminário ocorre às 16h de forma presencial na sede em Botafogo e também
via Zoom (modelo híbrido). Os detalhes estão na mensagem abaixo.

Teremos muito prazer em recebê-los, seja presencial ou virtualmente.



*Subject:* FGV EMAp | Seminário Híbrido: "Scalable stochastic compartmental
models for infectious disease" por Marc Suchard

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*2**7 de outubro*

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*a) Opção presencial*

*Praia de Botafogo, 190 **
5o andar, Auditório 537

*b) Opção remota *(via Zoom)


Meeting ID: 981 5075 6795

Passcode: 546819

Researchers struggle with likelihood-based inference from count data that
arise continuously in time but we only intermittently observe them.  A
major shortcoming lies in our inability to integrate most underlying
stochastic processes generating the data over all possible realizations
between observations.  Since these processes are ubiquitous across the
natural, physical and social sciences as generative models, solutions
should promote the use of statistical inference in many real-world
problems.  One seemingly trivial example is a stochastic compartmental
model tracking the count of susceptible, infectious and removed people
during the spread of an infectious disease.  For over 90 years, many have
believed the transition probabilities of this SIR model remain beyond
reach.  However, applying a novel re-parameterization, integral transforms
and other tools from numerical analysis shows that we can compute the
transition probabilities in merely quadratic complexity in terms of the
observed change in population size.  Other stochastic processes for modest
numbers of outcomes, such as those employed to model molecular sequence
evolution, yield well to advancing computing technology, such as many-core
parallelization.  Examples in this talk stem from the dynamics of influenza
across the global and the 2014-2015 West African ebola outbreak.

Texto informado pelo autor.


*Marc Suchard* - is Professor in the Departments of Biomathematics and of
Human Genetics in the David Geffen School of Medicine and in the Department
of Biostatistics in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health at the
University of California, Los Angeles. He was elected as a Fellow of the
American Statistical Association in 2012 and received the COPSS Presidents'
Award in 2013. His research interests  focus on biomathematical and
biostatistical approaches to computational statistics, analyzing stochastic
processes in molecular sequence data, longitudinal modeling of biomedical
processes, and examining the patient-physician relationship.

* Os participantes dos seminários não poderão acessar as dependências da
FGV usando bermuda, chinelos, blusa modelo top ou cropped, minissaia ou
camiseta regata. O uso da máscara é facultativo, porém é obrigatória a
apresentação do comprovante de vacinação (físico ou digital).

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*emap em fgv.br <emap em fgv.br>   •   (**55) 21 3799-5917   •   emap.fgv.br

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Luiz Max Fagundes de Carvalho
Lecturer, School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation
(FGV), Brazil.
Praia de Botafogo, 190, Sala 511, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22250-900.
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