[ABE-L] Seminário amanhã às 13h (notem que é 13 não 14h, só esta semana)

Clarice Garcia Borges Demetrio clarice.demetrio em usp.br
Ter Ago 15 10:13:28 -03 2023




16/08, 13h


Idemauro A. R. de Lara (ESALQ/USP)

(Lab A)

Multi-state models for double transitions associated with parasitism in
biological control

*Data/Horário:* 14/08, 13h – Presencial (português)

*Palestrante: *Idemauro A. R. de Lara (ESALQ/USP)

*Title:* *Multi-state models for double transitions associated with
parasitism in biological control*


The motivation for this work was an experiment to evaluate the effects of
the parasitism rate of the species *Trissolcus basalis* and  *Telenomus
podisi,* associated with soybean pest control. The statistical problem in
this study was to model, successively, the choice of eggs (with four
possibilities with parasitised eggs or not) and the conditional behaviour
given the choice (marking, ovipositing or drumming on the chosen egg). We
consider multi-state models in two successive stages to calculate double
transition and the statistical methodology is centred on maximum likelihood.

*(*This work  had the support from Brazilian Foundation - CAPES  process
number 88887.716582/2022-00 )
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