[ABE-L] Fwd: Fw: Academic Seminar of Data Science with Paulo Marques of Insper - Online

Hedibert Lopes hedibert em gmail.com
Sex Dez 8 11:30:02 -03 2023

Bom dia pessoal,

O último seminário de ciência de dados e decisão do Insper será apresentado
pelo nosso professor Paulo Marques e acontecerá na 5a-feira, dia 14/12,
entre 12h e 13h30. O seminário será no formato online  através do seguinte
endereço do zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95781336030.

Abraços e bom final de ano para todos,

Hedibert Freitas Lopes, PhD
Professor of Statistics and Econometrics
INSPER - Institute of Education and Research
Rua Quatá, 300 - São Paulo, SP 04546-042 Brazil
Phone: +55 11 4504-2343

*Título: *On the universal distribution of the coverage in split conformal
prediction <https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.02770>

*Speaker: *Paulo Marques <http://lattes.cnpq.br/0985534548499511>

*University: * Insper <https://www.insper.edu.br/>

*Abstract: *Two additional universal properties are established in the
split conformal prediction framework. In a regression setting with
exchangeable data, we determine the exact distribution of the coverage of
prediction sets for a finite horizon of future observables, as well as the
exact distribution of its almost sure limit. The results hold for finite
training and calibration samples, and both distributions are determined
solely by the nominal miscoverage level and the calibration sample size.

[image: Ã cone Data]

December 14, 2023

[image: Ã cone Hora]

12pm, São Paulo, Brasil (UTC/GMT -03:00)

[image: Ã cone Data]

The seminar will be streamed at the link <https://zoom.us/j/95781336030> -

Rua Quatá, 300 - Vila Olímpia - São Paulo/SP - Brasil - CEP: 04546-042 |
Tel: (11) 4504-2400
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