[ABE-L] FGV EMAp | Seminário Híbrido: Split conformal prediction and its extensions to non-exchangeable data

Luiz Max Carvalho lmax.fgv em gmail.com
Sáb Mar 18 07:11:12 -03 2023

Oi, pessoal,

Na quinta-feira às 16h o Paulo Orestein (IMPA) vai falar no seminário da
Escola de Matemática Aplicada da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp) sobre o
trabalho que ele vem fazendo em Machine Learning.

Convido vocês a comparecerem presencialmente ou on-line (via híbrida).



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*a) Opção presencial **

*Praia de Botafogo, 190 *
5o andar, Auditório 537

*b) Opção remota *(via Zoom)



ID: 981 5075 6795

Passcode: 546819

Machine learning algorithms offer state-of-the-art predictive performance
in a variety of domains, but often lack an associated measure of
uncertainty regarding its predictions. Split conformal prediction is a
leading tool to obtain predictive intervals with virtually no assumptions
beyond data exchangeability. This crucial assumption, however, hinders its
applicability to many important data, such as time series and spatially
dependent processes. In this talk, we will introduce split CP and show how
it can be extended to non-exchangeable settings through a small coverage
penalty. The proposed framework, based on data decoupling and concentration
of measure inequalities, works more generally than traditional split CP,
and experiments corroborate our coverage guarantees even under highly
dependent data. This is joint work with Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira, Thiago
Ramos and João Vitor Romano.

Texto informado pelo autor.


Paulo Orestein - I'm an assistant professor at IMPA. My research is focused
on the interplay between statistics, probability, and computation. On the
theory side, I am interested in high-dimensional Bayesian models, Monte
Carlo methods and robust mean estimation. On the applications side, I have
been using machine learning to extend weather forecasts into the
subseasonal realm. I enjoy working on both theoretical and applied
projects, and find them to often illuminate each other. Before coming to
IMPA, I obtained a PhD in Statistics at Stanford University, advised by
Persi Diaconis, and received a Masters in Mathematics and BSc in Economics,
both from PUC-Rio, in Brazil. I also spent a quarter at Google Research and
another at Meta Reality Labs.

* Os participantes dos seminários não poderão acessar as dependências da
FGV usando bermuda, chinelos, blusa modelo top ou cropped, minissaia ou
camiseta regata. O uso da máscara é facultativo, porém é obrigatória a
apresentação do comprovante de vacinação (físico ou digital).

[image: linha]

*emap em fgv.br* <emap em fgv.br>* • **+55 21 3799-5917 • **emap.fgv.br*


Luiz Max Fagundes de Carvalho
Lecturer, School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation
(FGV), Brazil.
Praia de Botafogo, 190, Sala 511, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22250-900.
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