[ABE-L] Ciclo de Seminários -PPGE

Maria do Carmo Soares de Lima maria em de.ufpe.br
Ter Maio 9 17:42:54 -03 2023

Boa noite a todos(as),

Esta mensagem é para divulgar mais uma palestra do Ciclo de Seminários
(2023), que será realizada amanhã, 10/05, pelo Google Meet às 15:00
horas. Sobre
o palestrante: Frank Sinatra (UFRPE)*Título: *Normal-Based Families via
Multibaseline Method
Sobre a palestra:
Link da videochamada: https://meet.google.com/rvh-tynz-xoo
Ou disque: ‪(US) +1 314-474-3236‬ PIN: ‪926 598 132‬#


Normal-Based Families via Multibaseline Method

Characterizing the wind speed distribution properly is essential for the
satisfactory production of potential energy in wind farms, being the
mixture models usually employed in the description of such data. However,
some mixture models commonly have the undesirable property of
non-identifiability. In this work, we present an alternative distribution
which is able to fit the wind speed data decently. The new model, called
Normal-Weibull-Weibull, is identifiable and its cumulative distribution
function is written as a composition of two baseline functions. We discuss
structural properties of the class that generates the proposed model, such
as the linear representation of the probability density function, moments
and moment generating function. We perform a Monte Carlo simulation study
to investigate the behavior of the maximum likelihood estimates of the
parameters. Finally, we present applications of the new distribution for
modelling wind speed data measured in five different cities of the
Northeastern Region of Brazil.

Favor divulgar entre possíveis interessados.

Maria do Carmo Soares de Lima
Professora Adjunta C- UFPE
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