[ABE-L] Biostatistics faculty position - OSU (USA)

Fernanda Lang Schumacher fernandalschumacher em gmail.com
Sex Nov 24 19:44:35 -03 2023


Gostaria de divulgar o processo seletivo que está aberto para duas vagas na
Bioestatística na The Ohio State University (Columbus, OH). Uma das vagas é
geral e no nível de assistant professor (tenure-track), enquanto a outra é
vinculada a um projeto específico chamado Health and Environment Modeling
(HEALMOD) Initiative, com foco em epidemiologia, ecologia, e ciências
sociais, no nível de assistant ou de associate professor (tenure-track ou
Para mais informações, favor ver as descrições em anexo, contendo o link
para aplicação.

Ficarei grata se puderem divulgar a possíveis interessadas/os e fico a
disposição para dúvidas.


Fernanda Schumacher
Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics
College of Public Health
The Ohio State University
*Pronouns: she/her*


Dear CPH Biostats colleagues,

We are currently looking to fill two tenure-track faculty positions: one
assistant professor position and one assistant/associate professor
position. The assistant/associate professor position is connected to the
interdisciplinary Health and Environment Modeling (HEALMOD) Initiative that
Greg Rempala is helping to lead.

Both position descriptions are attached. Under the SHIFT Framework, we are
encouraged to cast as wide a net as possible when recruiting possible
applicants. These efforts can be targeted to groups that are
underrepresented in the field. All individuals who apply to the position
will be evaluated equally.

Please distribute these announcements to promising individuals or to
professional groups relevant to the mission of the Biostatistics Division
and/or to HEALMOD. Each position description contains a link to the
application in Workday.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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