[ABE-L] Post doc positions - OSU (Estados Unidos)

Fernanda Lang Schumacher fernandalschumacher em gmail.com
Qui Set 7 13:30:08 -03 2023


Um projeto interdisciplinar entre o College of Public Health e o College of
Arts and Sciences na The Ohio State University acabou de ser aprovado e
está contratando diversas posições, incluindo até 3 post docs na área de

Poderiam por favor divulgar o anúncio em anexo com possíveis interessados?
Seria muito bom contar com candidatos brasileiros!


Fernanda Schumacher
Assistant Professor
Division of Biostatistics
College of Public Health
The Ohio State University
schumacher.313 em osu.edu

*From:* Rempala, Grzegorz A. <rempala.3 em osu.edu>
*Subject:* Adverts for post doc positions

Please help me advertise these positions as you best see fit. Perhaps some
students in your departments are about to graduate and would be interested
in January start date;

Much appreciated.

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